Thursday, June 5, 2008

Its travel time...

Well we just got our complete itinerary. We leave Saturday morning at 6:30am. We fly to Newark NJ and then directly onto Beijing. We will arrive in Beijing on Sunday afternoon. Its just a 14 hr flight from Newark to Beijing (only). We will be in Beijing till Wednesday the 11th when we fly to Guiyang and receive Marissa that afternoon. We will be in Guiyang till the 21st. We are told that it takes 7 business days to get Marissa's passport so we have to stay a little long in Guiyang. Susan's Aunt is coming down from Chongqing to visit us on the weekend of the 14-15th. We are looking forward to that. This is the last summer Aunt Kati will be in China and I will be good to see her in her "native" environment.

From there we travel to Guangzhou to finish out all the adoption paperwork and we leave on the 25th and will be home on the 26th.

We are franticly packing and getting ready. We only found out last thursday (May 29th) that we had to be in China by the 10th, but all is good. We have all our travel arrangments, visa's and are packing up.

Mina is excited but somewhat impatient. (when are we going to leave?)

We were hoping to get to go to Wuzhou, Mina's home town but we were not given permission to visit the orphanage or foster family. I guess we will have to wait till next trip...

Well thats it for now. I will post more as we start to travel.



Toni Lynch said...

Or wait till you get there.....then ask if you can go visit the foster care Mom or orphange....when you are there maybe they will be willing to help you out more since you have traveled so far already.......

RamblingMother said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Allman's

We will be thinking of you, safe travels and good luck........tell aunt cathy hello from the Kelly's