Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just a Note...

It seems that once again we are not able to view the blogs here in inner China. We were able to see it in Beijing but local laws may be different as to the access to

As you can see we can post to the blog. Pictures and text but we cannot view any comments. Don't let that stop you though. This is our historical record of the trip and we will enjoy reading the comments for years to come. Please leave comments.




Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Looks like your house will have a lot of silly giggling going on.
It could be worse...could be tears.
They seem to hit it off on a good note. Mina will adjust,after all she has been the princess for 4 yrs
Just hope the giggling continues, it will probably take 2 hours for bedtime to actually happen.
Everyone looks very happy.
Have a great day and hopefully a restful one. Love Aunt Judie

Anonymous said...

She's adorable! Congratulations, and we look forward to meeting her. --Andy & Karen